Compressed Air conference Stockhholm Arlanda 24. Nov

One-day conference Stockholm Thursday 24 November.

Wherever you are today, we dare say that attending the conference will lead to a significantly more energy efficient compressed air system. This time the conference is 1 day from 09:00 to 17:00. Whether you fly or take the train, Stockholm Arlanda is easily accessible. The hotel is across the street from the arrival terminal.

We’ll go over how to implement Compressed Air Management to meet the energy efficiency requirements of the future? What characterizes the Best in Class compressed air companies in the world? How does your company compare? What are the key performance indicators to work towards? The conference will address the latest technologies and methods to make your production and use of compressed air more efficient. What are the steps to achieve reliability, energy efficiency, sustainability and overall economy.

Compressed air is still considered as the energy type with the highest savings potential. It is also the reason why as much as 25 - 50% of all compressed air produced is considered wasted in the form of leakage, overpressure and pure misuse. The savings potential for most is in the millions with relatively low investment. One of Europe’s leading compressed air reduction companies 7bar talks about their successes and how they go about it with companies like Volkswagen, Loreal, Phillips, Bridgestone, LG and others. Very interesting talk.

We have also managed to get Gorazd Bregar from CALMS here. He is considered one of the world’s leading experts in compressed air. CALMS has developed the world’s largest independent compressed air management system. He will talk in detail about the type of measurement data that is obtained about the status of the compressed air system. CALMS has managed to monitor and automate the information. He will talk about how companies like Coca Cola, Continental, Cemex, Novartis use the system to get an overview and how the CALMS system automatically generates suggestions for action. There are over 700 sites connected to the system and all systems are continuously compared so that everyone can see how they compare to the Best-in-Class systems.

This time we have also included Treffco. Sweden’s only accredited company in risk assessment of compressed air installations. They will show you the way through the maze of regulations that exist and that everyone must follow.

For those who are energy and compressed air professionals, this day is invaluable for gaining knowledge and inspiration. In our experience, all major and successful projects and companies have their origins in a compressed air seminar/conference. Previous compressed air conferences have received very high ratings, between 4.3-4.5/5 for content, presenters and the organisation as a whole. In addition to meeting and sharing expert knowledge, many participants find it very rewarding to exchange experiences with other participating companies. We are happy to send comments and testimonials from previous participants. A good testimonial is that several participants have attended several times. Technologies and methods are constantly evolving and it is important to learn from them.

Register directly via or A new PDF specifically for Stockholm will be available soon. The number of participants is limited so be sure to arrive early to secure your place.

See you in Stockholm Arlanda on 24 November.