Time series migration

After an extended period of development and testing, we are happy to announce a complete redesign of CALMS time series database. It focuses on the exactness and reliability of calculations it makes, so reports and summaries are reproducible and reflect actual measurements that have been taken.

During last month, we have been testing the new database in parallel to the legacy one, resulting in reduced performance of the both systems and odd cases of misbehaving calculations. In retrospect, this was a poor decision that impacted production systems which is unacceptable.

Today, we are starting migration of all energetic systems to the new database. During migration of your system, you may experience reduced performance and gaps of missing latest data. After the migration, the data will be reconstructed in full, without any gaps. We expect that all systems will be migrated in at most 2 weeks.

If you have any wishes about the exact time of migration of your system, please write us at info@calms.com.

We are truly sorry for any problems caused.

CALMS team